10 reasons to watch Africa in 2016
In 2016, the world faces uncertainty and volatility – as well as huge opportunities for significant progress. Africa stands not just to gain from these major shifts, but also to lead some of them....
View Article10 raisons de garder un œil sur l’Afrique en 2016
Alors que l’année 2016 se profile sous le signe de l’incertitude et de l’instabilité, elle s’annonce également riche en progrès potentiels. L’Afrique devrait profiter de ces grandes évolutions et en...
View ArticleEducation for all in a “rising Africa”
Africa’s remarkable economic growth has been accompanied by the concern that the benefits of the economic growth are not shared broadly. Growth may only go so far; when inequality and lack of social...
View ArticleWhen growth alone is not enough
Africa’s robust annual economic expansion of 4.5% during 1995-2013 has come along with appreciable progress in human welfare. African newborns can now expect to live 6.2 years longer than in 2000, the...
View ArticleAfrica’s infrastructure: Five years on
Africa’s Infrastructure: A Time for Transformation, the inaugural report in the Africa Development Forum series in 2010, was the fruit of an unusual confluence of circumstances. Seldom have donors put...
View ArticleLes infrastructures en Afrique : les avancées depuis cinq ans
Publié en 2010, le rapport inaugural de la collection « Africa Development Forum » intitulé Infrastructures africaines : une transformation impérative, est le fruit d’un concours de circonstances...
View ArticleL’éducation pour tous dans une Afrique en plein essor
Exceptionnelle, la croissance économique du continent africain suscite pourtant des inquiétudes quant au partage de ses fruits. La croissance ne peut pas tout. Avec des inégalités tenaces et sans...
View ArticleSmackdown: Provide the people of Africa with training, or with cold, hard cash?
In recent years, growing evidence supports the value of cash transfers. Research demonstrates that cash transfers lead to productive investments (in Kenya, Tanzania, and Zambia), that they improve...
View ArticleYep, about reading and writing again!
Today, four in five African primary-school-age kids are enrolled in school, with more joining at a later age. This is a major change and achievement, and should bode well for Africa’s upcoming...
View ArticleA glimpse behind the curtain: CPIs in Africa
Consumer Price Indexes (CPIs) can be subject of heated debate. Plans by the US administration in 2013 to modify the way social security benefits are adjusted for inflation led to protests of federal...
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